Monday, December 19, 2011

How Can You Tell if It's a Cold or Allergies?

With more than 200 types of viruses circulating in the community, and lots of sharing going on (the kind you don't really want), we are seeing more stuffy noses, sneezing, and cough these days. But if you also have allergies, how can you be sure whether it is a cold or your allergies flaring? And when does it matter?

1. Does it itch?

If there is itching of the nose, throat, or eyes involved, you are more likely dealing with allergy symptoms. Remember the seasonal allergies that go with the holidays -- old decorations coming out of storage (along with dust and maybe a little mold), stagnant water at the base of a Christmas tree, dust blowing out of air ducts the first time the heater is turned on -- more exposure means more allergy symptoms.

2. Is there fever or muscle ache?

Respiratory infections can come with fever and other symptoms such as fatigue, muscle aches, or nonrespiratory symptoms such as stomachaches, nausea, or diarrhea. This is often the tip-off that the stuffy nose is not due to allergy this time.

3. Why does it matter?

If your symptoms are due to allergy, a few changes in the environment might be very helpful, like using a HEPA air filter, cleaning ducts, wearing a mask while moving old boxes out of storage; and your allergy medications are more likely to work for this type of problem.

If it is a respiratory infection, especially with thick or discolored mucus, it may be better to clear out secretions with a decongestant and expectorant, or salt water rinse of the nasal passages, rather than drying up secretions with an antihistamine.

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