Recent studies would suggest that by reducing a child's exposure to allergy triggers, not only are you helping get rid of annoying nasal symptoms like a stuffy, runny, itchy nose, but you may be preventing the development of asthma.
Researchers describe the progression of symptoms from skin allergies (eczema) in babies to nasal allergies in toddlers and kindergarteners (allergic rhinitis) to asthma in older children as "the atopic march". This tends to happen when there is continuing exposure to things that the child is allergic to, such as dust mites or pollens. The better the environmental control of these allergens, the less likely symptoms will progress to more severe conditions such as asthma.

Welcome to the South Bay Allergy & Asthma Blog where you will find tips and advice from board certified Allergy and Immunology doctors and nurses on dealing with nasal, seasonal, insect, medication, food and skin allergies. Also visit our blog to stay current on news and advances in care and treatment of allergy, asthma and immunology, including developments in the world of immunotherapy: allergy shots, drops and tablets.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
10 Signs Your Allergies Are Out of Control.
Sign #1: The Allergic Salute
You vacuum with a HEPA filter. You stay indoors when the pollen count is high. You take medications as directed. But do you really have your allergy symptoms under control? If you're constantly doing the "allergic salute," the answer is probably no. This gesture -- a swipe at the tip of an itchy, runny nose -- is especially common in children
Sign #2: Raccoon Eyes
Dark circles under watery eyes are another sign of allergies run amok. The circles may result from frequent rubbing of itchy eyes. Fortunately, itching, tearing, sneezing, and a runny nose can all be relieved with antihistamines. If you already take this type of medication, check with your doctor about adjusting your dosing schedule.
Sign #3: Chronic Congestion
A stuffy nose usually lasts a week or two when a cold or flu is to blame. If congestion goes on and on, allergies are a more likely suspect. During an allergic reaction, the lining of your nasal passages may swell and produce excess mucus. This can cause sinus pressure and headaches. Decongestants can provide short-term relief. For a long-term plan of action, consider coming to South Bay Allergy and Asthma.
Sign #4: Wheezing
Wheezing is often associated with asthma, but it can also signal a serious allergic reaction. The characteristic whistling sound occurs when air passes through narrowed airways. In severe cases, obstruction of airflow requires emergency care. You should be evaluated and monitored by your doctor if you have wheezing related to allergies.
Sign #5: Itchy Skin
Itching may just be a sign of dry skin. But when it's persistent, and especially when it's accompanied by a rash, eczema may be to blame. Eczema is a type of skin reaction that's common in people with allergies. Triggers may include soap or detergent, pet dander, and coarse materials. Antihistamines, moisturizers, and hydrocortisone cream can help soothe flares.
Sign #6: Hives
Hives are hard to miss. These pale red welts tend to itch, and they can last from several hours to several days. Often, they're caused by an allergic reaction to some type of food, medication, or insect sting. Antihistamines are usually effective for immediate relief. Steroids may be needed in some cases. But the best solution is to identify and avoid the trigger.
Sign #7: Insomnia
Itching, congestion, post-nasal drip, sinus pain -- allergy-related symptoms can be tough on sleep. Symptoms like coughing or wheezing may wake you up, and a stuffed nose may make it hard to fall asleep. Some allergy drugs can also disrupt a good night's sleep. Trouble sleeping is one sign that it may be time to ask your doctor about changing your allergy treatment regimen.
Sign #8: Trouble Concentrating
You may find it hard to concentrate when your eyes are tearing, your nose is dripping, and you've been up all night. In addition, some over-the-counter antihistamines may make you feel foggy. If you find your job performance, home life, or relationships are suffering because of allergies, don't hesitate to tell your doctor. It may be time to discuss your treatment options.
Sign #9: Fatigue
Allergies can deal a triple-whammy to your energy level. First, your symptoms can affect the quality of your sleep. Second, allergies involve a chronic overreaction of the immune system, which can cause fatigue. Third, some antihistamines cause drowsiness. Some newer antihistamines or other medications may be less likely to cause drowsiness; ask your pharmacist for help.
Sign #10: Depression
Do you feel blue whenever your allergies flare? Some research points to a biological connection between allergies and mood changes. The National Institute of Mental Health is studying the link between seasonal allergies and depression. Although we can't prove that allergies cause people to feel depressed, there are effective treatments for depression, so be sure to let your doctor know if you feel down.
Source: WebMD
e cases, prescription medications are available.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Fear of Steroids?
Be rational about fear of steroids: If you have asthma, and have concerns about using any type of steroid medications, remember to look at both the risks and benefits of all options.
INHALED STEROIDS: These are the safest form of steroid anti-inflammatory treatment for the airways. It would take massive doses of these to equal even one day of oral steroid (Prednisone or Medrol) therapy. Use these preventatively to avoid having to use the more potent oral therapy that can lead to undesirable side effects.
UNCONTROLLED ASTHMA: Irrational fear of steroid therapy of any kind, including inhaled corticosteroids, often leads to uncontrolled asthma. Side effects of uncontrolled asthma? Stunted growth -- the very thing many people worry about with steroid use is much more likely to be due to uncontrolled asthma itself. Also, a loss of ability to respond to medications in the long run due to changes in the airway lining, and gradual loss of lung function. Not a good trade.
Talk to your doctor about the appropriate dose of asthma medications needed in your specific case to prevent these side effects of asthma.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Unexpected Allergy Source: Pet Hangouts
Keeping your pet out of your bedroom is only partially helpful, because airflow can carry pet allergens throughout the home.
- Clean and damp-mop (or "Swiffer") floors frequently
- Keep pets off carpeting
- Wash your hands after playing with your pet
- Wash your dog or cat every week or two
- Wash your pet's bedding frequently
- Keep pet-hair contaminated clothes out of your bedroom and off your bed!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Unexpected Allergy Source: Potted Plants
Take a good look at your houseplants. Mold spores can grow in the pots and spread to the floor. To minimize this, remove dead leaves, use saucers, and avoid over-watering.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Quiz: Do You Know the Facts on Allergies?
Here is a great quiz offered by WebMD. How well do you know the facts on allergies? Click here to take the quiz
Monday, March 5, 2012
Unexpected Allergy Source: Books
Your food for thought may also be food for pests. Book dust harbors dust mites, mold spores, and tiny critters called booklice.
If you find that handling your books triggers your allergies, try vacuuming their surfaces regularly or storing the books in a closed container. Decreasing the indoor humidity and removing mold as a food source will also help curb the number of booklice.
Now that e-Readers are becoming more available and popular, this is a great option for the dust mite allergic avid reader!
Now that e-Readers are becoming more available and popular, this is a great option for the dust mite allergic avid reader!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Santa Ana winds are coming our way
Hot dry Santa Ana winds are predicted in the next couple of days. If you are pollen allergic or have asthma, keep those windows closed, and make sure to take any preventative medications such as antihistamines or your asthma controller medications that you have been prescribed. All medications for allergy and asthma work better when used early!
Adult Onset of Asthma
Many people develop asthma in childhood. However, asthma symptoms can develop at any time in one's life.
Signs and Symptoms of Adult Onset Asthma:
- dry cough (especially at night or in response to "triggers")
- tightness or pressure in the chest
- difficulty breathing
- wheezing when exhaling (whistling sound)
- shortness of breath after exercising
- colds that go to the chest for more than 10 days
- Your physician will: question you about your symptoms, do a physical exam, conduct lung function tests, and possibly preform an allergy test
- If you have any asthma symptoms, don't ignore them or try to treat them yourself
Managing Adult Onset Asthma:
- Learn and stay up to date
- Take prescribed medications
- Visit your doctor regularly for in-office tests. These tests are painless and provide valuable data that help your physician make adjustments in your medications.
- Make a plan that will establish guidelines that tell you what to do if your asthma symptoms get worse
Controlling Asthma Symptoms:
If your asthma symptoms are caused by allergies, take steps to control known or potential triggers in your environment.- Allergy proof your house for dust, mold, cockroaches, and other common indoor allergens in which you are allergic
- Reduce outdoor activities when pollen counts are high
- Choose foods that do not contribute to your asthma or allergy symptoms
- Evaluate your workplace for possible allergens, and take the necessary steps to reduce your exposure to them.
Coping with Allergies and Asthma May/June 2011. Adult Onset of Asthma.
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